Chapter 2.08 – The First Time

memCole and Nicky had been dating all summer.  Cole was thoroughly enjoying getting to know Nicky in a whole different way.  The last couple of weeks, things were heating up between them and Cole was ready to take their relationship to the next level. He was pretty sure Nicky did too by the way they touched each other when they were alone together.

04-23-18_7-41-10 PMHe pulled out the condoms his dad had given him a few months ago when they went on their first date. Just in case.  

Tonight was the big back to school party at the park for his class. They were going to have the pool and the clubhouse to themselves. His folks had helped arrange it, donating the use of the facility as advertisement for the Newcrest Project. It also meant that his parents would be chaperones.

MEM 2As usual, an after party was planned at Noah’s for their little group. True to his word, his Dad had called Noah’s Uncle Jim. He had promised he would be there.  When Jim was there, he stayed in the basement or his bedroom with his girlfriend so he didn’t really care one way or the other.

04-23-18_8-12-03 PMCole stuffed the condoms in his wallet and walked downstairs. He knelt down and gave Duke a pat.  He looked up at his parents sitting on the couch, also ready to go. “Bye Mom, Dad…see you later. And please, don’t embarrass me.”

04-23-18_8-13-36 PM“We’ll act like we don’t know you. How’s that?” said his dad, and laughed.

Cole rolled his eyes.

04-23-18_8-43-29 PM.pngHis Mom kissed his cheek. “Tell Nicky ‘hi’ for us since we aren’t allowed to talk to you tonight,” she teased.


04-25-18_6-39-27 PM04-25-18_6-32-08 PM.png04-24-18_9-57-21 PM04-24-18_10-15-10 PM.png04-25-18_7-12-11 PM04-25-18_7-13-25 PM04-25-18_7-02-02 PM.png04-24-18_10-04-11 PM.pngbye.pngThe party had been a lot of fun.  Cole’s mom and dad had stayed up on the balcony and didn’t bother anyone…until it was time to leave for Noah’s after party.  They came down to say goodbye and gave Noah a hard time. Cole was so embarrassed. Thank goodness everyone except their group had already left.


04-25-18_8-26-35 PM.pngWhen they got to Noah’s, the party continued and the first thing Noah did was hand out the beer.  Kolby and Nemo sat together on one couch and Mia and Berto took they other.  Tahani was trying to teach Noah some dance moves and everyone was making fun of him.

04-25-18_8-13-18 PMCole wanted to be alone with Nicky.  “We are going upstairs to listen to quiet music,” said Cole as he and Nicky turned to leave.

04-25-18_8-12-19 PM“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” said Noah and snickered at them.

04-25-18_8-39-18 PM“Ignore him Nicky, let’s go,” said Cole a little irritated with Noah.

04-25-18_8-55-16 PM04-25-18_8-45-01 PM04-25-18_8-56-31 PM04-25-18_8-57-28 PM04-25-18_9-00-06 PMCole pushed off Nicky’s coverup and pulled her to him. He began to kiss her neck. She smelled like Nicky and swimming pools – like a warm summer evening.  At the same time, he reached around to unfasten her swimsuit top. She pulled away from when he did.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he whispered.

She started to cry and moved out of his lap and sat on the edge of the bed. “I can’t…I’m sorry,” she said and began to cry more.

“It’s okay. What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry Cole.  I just…can’t,” she said and started sobbing again.

“Please don’t cry Nicky, it’s okay,” said Cole.

04-25-18_9-04-10 PM“I’m sorry,” she said again and took a shuddering breath, “do you hate me?”

“No. Of course not, you’re my best friend, I could never hate you.”

She sniffed. “That’s just it Cole. You are my friend too, and I don’t want that to change.”

Cole was confused. “I thought you wanted us to be more.”

“I do, but….it got….weird, and, I don’t know….I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of me?  Nicky, I won’t hurt you, if that’s what you are worried about.  But, we don’t have to do this at all right now.  It’s okay. Really.”

Really?” she parroted back and took another involuntary breath, “You’re okay to not do more?”

04-25-18_9-45-40 PM.pngHe could hear the relief in her voice. Was she that scared? “Really,” he repeated and reached up to comfort her.

She looked at him, the worry evident on her face. “And you’re not going to break up with me?”

She thought he was going to dump her because she wouldn’t do more than kiss him?  “No, of course not. We don’t have to do anything more.”

She let out a breath. “Thank you for understanding. I was so afraid you wouldn’t be my friend anymore.”

“It’s okay,” he said trying to keep the disappointment and confusion out of his voice. He hesitated a minute but had to ask again, “Is it me?”

“No…” she said, slowly shaking her head, “it’s me.”

“Can I just hold you then?” he asked as he handed her back her cover up.

She put in on and whispered, “Okay.”

04-25-18_9-13-58 PM.pngThey laid down on the bed. Cole wrapped her in his arms. She was soon asleep, her soft even breathing punctuated every so often by a little shudder, like a baby that had cried itself to sleep.

Cole felt so bad for causing her that much distress. They could go as slow as she needed, but it had already been four months since their first kiss. He thought that was slow enough. He knew Noah and Tahani were having sex, hell, they had seen them naked in the hot tub.  And his dad totally expected they would. He gave him condoms.

Granted, he was a little scared too, but it was Nicky.  She was his best friend. They would have figured it out together. Maybe she was afraid of getting pregnant.  He should have told her he had condoms.  So what was wrong with him? He figured it had to be him, even though she insisted it was her. She was sweet like that. So he continued to try and think of what he could have possibly done wrong. And why would she let him hold her, but not have sex?  He reached up and swiped at the wetness rolling down his face to keep it from pooling on the pillow beneath him.

Go to Chapter 2.09>>>>>>

Go Back to Chapter 2.07

47 thoughts on “Chapter 2.08 – The First Time

  1. Awww poor Cole (and poor us who waited to read all about little Cole’s first awkward time, lol)! He’s a veeeery sweet boy though – definitely boyfriend material! I hope his heart doesn’t break into pieces although, from the way Nicky was talking, I’d bet that it will break and soon 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes…he is confused and upset with himself right now. 🙁 He totally thinks he did something wrong and is beating himself up. Sorry we didn’t get to see his first time yet. But I promise it WILL happen, he’s not planning on being a monk….or a catholic priest. 😂😂😂 He will be good boyfriend material. ❤️❤️❤️. Hopefully they can work through it and he won’t get his heart broken. 💔

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  2. Pingback: Chapter 2.07 – My Girlfriend? | New Beginnings

    • He was as scared as she was. And for sure, he would never pressure her or force her. But he is totally confused as to why she wouldn’t when all the signals pointed to a yes. And isn’t that just what you do? According to everyone else it was. So naturally he thinks he did something wrong. 😢

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well…Cole, you have to wait. That’s all. Don’t be reading things that aren’t there…you’ll screw it up. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course he’s going to screw it up.

    Next girl, please. 🙂 lol…

    Liked by 3 people

    • He’s totally reading things that aren’t there. Poor guy. Oh wait. There are a few more girls in the banner…hmmm…I’m not sure if he will bang them all, well, he hasn’t banged anyone yet! 😂😂😂 He’s certainly not like his father who only went after girls that were “easy”.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bless, and here’s me thinking that Nicky had more feelings for Cole than he had for her. Perhaps she has been hurt in the past? Perhaps she is worried that by doing the deed it alter their friendship in ways they can never take back.

    And poor Cole thinking that it must be him, he is a sweetie, but I think they were right to cool things a while.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nicky adores Cole. But you maybe onto something. Either she’s just not ready or she is afraid of forever altering their relationship in ways that they could never take back. It’s a big step. I feel bad that Cole thinks he did something wrong. He is super vulnerable. He hasn’t learned to protect his heart. 😢 We will see how this affects their relationship in the next two chapters.


  5. Awe, poor Cole. He needs to understand that sex for the first time is VERY different for girls than it is for boys. It really does have nothing to do with him. Maybe he needs to talk to his mom about this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh. I have three boys and none of them voluntarily came to me for sex advice. Haha! But you are so right. It is very different for girls. Hopefully he will talk to someone.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I just hope Cole talks to someone if he is not comfortable talking with his parents. I remember when I was that age, and it is hard to talk to your parents about this stuff.
        At least he is a gentleman and didn’t push Nicky into doing something she didn’t want to do.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I hope he finds someone to talk to. His little heart is breaking. 💔 And he wasn’t about to push Nicky. He asked her if he could kiss her. Maybe he and Nicky can talk or he will talk to Noah. Not sure he is the best resource though. 😳

          Liked by 1 person

  6. UHH EXCUSE ME NICKY! You best fix this RIGHT NOWWWW! You’ve got to have that conversation about how it isn’t him. It’s tough, but girl you’ve got to do it. Otherwise you’re going to lose him. 😭😭

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s tough when you date your best friend. You worry about the relationship changing, been there done that, although I was quiet of bit older than Cole and it wasn’t a first love. Unfortunately if you do date a friend, and you take it to that level things do change, and if I am not mistaken I think that is Nicky’s fear, and a valid one at that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very insightful! She is just as confused as Cole about what’s going on between them. And that last step does irrevocably change things. We will see on Saturday if/how they worked through it.


  8. That was an interesting development. Four months really isn’t that long. Well, I guess it might be in high school. But anyway, he was a good boyfriend not to pressure her and I think he was just as nervous as she was, so I’m not surprised he was good about it. I wonder why she’s so upset?

    Liked by 1 person

    • He was just as nervous as she was. That’s true. And four months is an eternity in high school! Lol… I used to think a month would never end. Now it ends waaaay too fast. We will find out more in the next two chapters about how she is feeling and why she is so upset.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Awwww Cole 😥 I feel so bad for him. But he’s such a sweet and gentle guy. I love that he didn’t pressure her… but I don’t love how sad he felt at the end 😥 Don’t blame yourself. I just wanna give him a big hug right now! ❤ (And Nicky too! I totally understand her fears. The poor thing!) Hugs for everyone! Haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • Two kids who weren’t both ready for that next step. Fortunately Cole is a good guy and didn’t pressure her or try to make her feel bad. She already felt bad enough. But he is beating himself and that hurts too. 😢 He does need a hug. ❤️

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  10. Pingback: Chapter 2.09 – Laney | New Beginnings

  11. Good thing he did not pressure her…Now, I really wonder what happened with Nicky for her to be this afraid of their relationship…maybe it is something natural, or maybe she has some trauma that affect’s her until today…? Also, Cole, just because your friend is having sex, does not mean you are ”suppost” to also have sex at this period of time…I really hope he does not end up like his Father, and blame’s himself for everything…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha…Blaming oneself is in his genes! And yes, just because Noah is apparently having sex doesn’t mean he should too. We will eventually find out why Nicky put on the brakes.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Thats the big problem with going steady. You feel that sex is the next step. Cole was quite the gentleman not taking advantage of Nicky. You can also see that Nicky felt pressured to give in so she would not lose her boyfriend…Not so much pressure from Cole as from her peer group. So it is very very wise not to go steady during high school. It is a time to get to know many and start understanding what you like or dislike. and learn what is inside that counts in the long run.
    Thank you for this finely crafted story and Ill rread on to see what happens next.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cole is not one to push. It hurt and confused him that she refused. Cole could have pushed but he would never do that. Nicky was scared of course and was feeling the pressure. It took a lot for her to say no. When push came to shove she wasn’t ready.


  13. Omg Cole is so sweet and understanding. That’s awesome! It’s never easy to be rejected for sex. I like Cole more and more as he grows up, he is a very kind young man. I hope everything does work out with Nicky though. They are perfect together.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They are sweet together and Cole is indeed a very kind young man. Total opposite of his wild father! Although Ben has mellowed out now that he’s grown up and become a loving husband and father, plus a successful and legal businessman! Lol…

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Awwww. This was quite sad, really. Poor guy thinking he did something wrong. I wonder if Nicky had something sinister happen to her in her past that’s making her hold back. Oh, I sure hope not but the poor girl is scared to death. I wonder if this will damage the relationship. Cole is ready, of course, being a hormonal teenage boy, but Nicky is freaking out. 💔💔 Cole is so, so sweet and is such a great catch. Any girl would be lucky to have him. ❤️❤️❤️

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